Psychotherapy Qualifications and Specialist Training:

 Master of Art Therapy LaTrobe University

 Post graduate Diploma of Public Art    RMIT

 Bachelor of Fine Art Victorian Collage of the Arts
 Major: Drawing Minor: Printmaking

SEP (Somatic Experiencing)
Body oriented trauma therapy 

Trauma Through a Child’s Eyes with Maggie Kline

Trauma, Attachment & The Body Practitioners Workshop
Dr. Pat Ogden

Arts Therapy and Trauma
Initatic Art Therapy Training
Cornelia Elbrecht at Claerwen Retreat
2 year training course looking at art therapy and sensorimotor techniques

Trauma Therapy at the Clay field with Children
Claerwen Retreat School for Initiatic Art Therapy
Using the Clayfield to assist with the psychosomatic presentation of trauma and looking at the use of clay to work through trauma cycles and child development through the use of clay

Accelerated Recovery Trauma Mandala
Using the Mandala to access Self and survival strengths, assist knowledge & impact of trauma adaptation awareness, reduction in discomfort associated with self condemnation, negative adaptation and alienation – aloneness flashbacks, dreams and despair

Psychodrama and PTSD Intensive
School of Psychodrama
Looking at the techniques and method of psychodrama to assist clients with their PTSD 

Domestic Violence 
Intro into Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Resource Centre

Supervising Staff who work with Trauma

Safe from the start
Domestic Violence kit for children training seminar

How to assist children in transitional housing to process their experience and assist parents to understand the affect of violence on their children

The Peek-a-boo Club Facilitators Training
2 day training in how to assist mothers either in DV or post DV relationships to reconnect with their infants (o-3). This group program helps mums to understand the affects of DV on them, their children’s ability to attach to their mother and the parent’s ability to parent. Domestic Violence Children’s Hospital

Mindfulness Psychotherapy
Hakomi : Cultivating the Mirror Mind
Looking at the Hakomi techniques of mindfulness in counseling and body awareness and experience

Hakomi Methods Essential Program

Parts Theory and Mindfulness Training
Basic learning of Hakomi techniques

Australian Bush Flower Remedy Essences – Level 1